All vaccinations have potential risks and can cause a mild reaction. Some can cause medical issues, but the benefits still outweigh the risks of the diseases they prevent. Unfortunately, some vaccine injuries can lead to severe complications, lifelong health issues, or even death. Learn how to report a vaccine injury and how to get compensation for your injuries and expenses.
Visit the CDC
Visit the CDC (Centers for Disease Control) website if strange symptoms begin after a vaccination. The CDC lists all side effects common for the vaccinations commonly given in the United States. Review the list of potential reactions for the vaccine to see if the symptoms felt could relate to the recent shot.
Do not give up if you cannot find the symptom on the website if you believe the vaccination led to the illness or injury. Some reactions may only become commonly known if multiple people report their experiences.
Contact the Doctor
Call the primary care physician for the individual affected to discuss the problem. Forgo the phone call and visit an emergency room or urgent care center for severe cases like a high fever, seizures, or difficulty breathing. Make an appointment for a checkup if the symptoms do not go away within a few days or seem to worsen.
The visit to a medical facility will help to document the illness as occurring shortly after the vaccination. Also, it helps to make the medical community aware of the side effects of a vaccination experienced by patients. This information can help others to have more warning of potential adverse reactions.
Make a Report
The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) is a division of the Health and Human Services department of the United States government. The system exists to collect data about current vaccinations and inform the medical community when reactions become too common or too severe.
Physicians that know about a reaction in one of their patients must report the information to the VAERS, but the patient can also provide the information. The website has online forms that make the reports easy to complete and submit.
The online form will need the patient's information, vaccine information, and information about when and where the vaccination took place. The report will also include the symptoms the individual experienced and when the reaction began. You may also need the contact information for any physician involved.
Call a Lawyer
Vaccine injuries can lead to a variety of health-related expenses, loss of work, and other costs. The results may even cause lifelong disabilities or health problems. People that suffer these types of incidents may receive compensation for the pain and expense they endure.
Most compensation comes from the U.S. Government's Vaccine Injury Compensation Program. The program exists to protect pharmaceutical companies from the expense of lawsuits that may jeopardize their ability to produce the vaccines the country needs. The program also gives consumers the ability to get compensation for their injuries.
A lawyer can review the case to decide if the reaction exceeds what a patient should expect from the vaccination they received. Sometimes, someone may have tampered with the vaccine, or a doctor may have recommended a shot to someone that was not healthy enough to receive it. A lawyer can research the event to make certain to file the correct claim for the incident.
Vaccine injuries can vary and may reduce the quality of life for anyone affected. Contact us after any unexpected reaction that causes unnecessary distress, pain, or expense. At Vaccination Injury Lawyers, we help people with vaccine injuries get the compensation they need and deserve. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation.
Phone: (901) 762-0535
Address: 530 Oak Court Drive, Suite 360
City/State/Zip: Memphis, TN 38117
Phone: (615) 815-1508
Brentwood Professional Center
104 East Park Drive, Building 300, Suite 313
City/State/Zip: Brentwood, TN 37027